Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Components of a secure school

We know that protecting our schools from unwanted visitors is an imperfect thing at best.  I found this article to be very interesting, as well as an outstanding tool to evaluate where each school is in meeting the safety and security components of the most heavily traveled location in our buildings, the front door. Finding a proper balance between safety and security and a welcoming entrance can be a tough act but it is the first line of defense when it comes to our schools, therefore it requires proper attention.

While my school meets most of these criteria, the fact that we are in an older building limits us from following through on several of the vital recommendations, as well as the areas that my SRO has pointed out.  In reality this article represents the, "...if I could design my school building the way I would want..." mentality.  I know that there are areas that we should address and fix but I also know that there are just some things that I cannot change.  I guess as in everything, it is a constant work in progress as well as working with your limitations.


  1. I totally agree that older school building make the challenge of campus security more challenging for school personnel. One safety feature that we have included in our safety plan has been installing buzz entry at all front door entrances for all schools. This feature will reduce unwanted visitors and give school personnel control over who can enter each facility. As we plan newer school facilities we will make sure that the Architect includes state of art safety features.

    1. School safety is definitely a concern of every parent and school. In an effort to place barriers between intruders and students, schools have continued to hire more SRO's, install more cameras, and installing magnetic doors. A partnership with the community and first responders is imperative to protect our students. The safety of our students should always be considered when constructing a new school.

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