Thursday, September 4, 2014

Intruder Alert...Is everyone safe and accounted for?

There are many ways that intruder drills are executed. Administrators, faculty, and staff in school organizations develop safety plans that detail how to handle an intruder situation. When an intruder enters the building, how do you know the safety and location of all the individuals in the building? My school organization decided to develop a quick form that asks for the following information:

Teacher's Name

     *Missing Student
     *Additional Adult(s)

Additional Adult(s) Name(s)______________________
Missing Student(s) Name(s) and Location__________________________
Additional Student(s) Name(s)_____________________________

Teachers have access to this form on various devices and simply hit submit. Administrators are able to see immediate results and make decisions based on this information. As with anything, there are possible issues that could take place including technology issues. Alternatives are available. This is just one step of many to ensure the safety of our students.



  1. I love the format of this form. The availability of having this on multiple devices will make it readily available to all faculty members in case of an emergency therefore improving response time for first responders. History has taught us that the first 3-5 minutes are the most crucial in any school emergency event, if first responder can arrive on campus earlier more lives can saved. We should constantly strive to improve communications between school employees and emergency agencies.

  2. I believe that this information is valuable and that the reaction time is critical in preventing tragic events. This form is to the point, which I like. I would like to know is there an alert to the administration or to the main office or secretary.

  3. This is a great idea! Our teachers call roll during drills but we don't have a form to record when a student is not accounted for. This would be a great tool to have in the event that a disaster did occur and the incident commander needed to be notified. I may "borrow" this form for use in my school. Thanks for the info.

  4. I really like this form. It is straight to the point. When you have an incident, you only have a few minutes of reaction time. I may use this form in my school.

    Walker Cook

  5. This is a really good idea. We have forms we use to call roll with etc.. and each class, and all other rooms/buildings have a placard with the directives for what to do in the case of an intruder. We don't have an electronic tool like this to use. This will be addressed at our next safety meeting and we will get one similar formalized.

  6. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing

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